Solid as a Rock

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Before I start off exposing people for who they really are, I just want to make it known that these are based on your sun signs alone and don’t represent who you are as a complete person. Your sun sign usually represents who you are at the core, so your ego, drive and inner beliefs. Since the sun is a prominent celestial body it can be used to determine important parts about a person. Since that explanation is over I’ll get started brewing the tea on earth signs.

So the earth sign consist of Capricorns, Tauruses, and Virgos. Each sign is known for being practical, hardworking and independent. Like earth, they are sturdy and enduring. However, they can be some of the most stubborn people you’ll ever meet. Earth signs are strong in their beliefs and it’ll take A LOT to change their mind. The thing is though if you try to give your opinion or have a comment on their opinion then prepare to argue, because they won’t give up in a fight even if they’re wrong. There is no winning with an earth sign.

Another trait of an earth sign is how independent they are, but that independence can be too strong if not regulated. They take the whole “I just need me, myself, and I” to the next level. Group project. They got it. Emotional support. They got it. Basically, there is nothing an earth sign can’t do by themselves. You know maybe expect for realize when they’re being too much.

This brings us to the next topic, when an earth sign is overworked EVERYONE knows. Since earth signs are hardworking they tend to push themselves to get a task done. However with this constant idea that they have to do better and be better they drain themselves emotionally, physically, and mentally. This constant pressure becomes toxic and they lose their stable nature. It’s important to help your Earth friends out when you see them concentrating on a task for too long. Tell them to chill out and take a nap.


Each sign does have their own unique traits. Capricorns are known for being the “most responsible” among the other zodiac signs. They tend to see the world in a more practical sense believing the world is what it is and you just have to make the most out of it. However, Capricorns will go to any means necessary to complete a task. That’s why they tend to be seen with a dark demeanor. They can’t figure out when they are focusing on something for too long. Despite their pessimistic thinking, they are quite funny but in a dark way. Only a few people are able to endure their humor.


Taurean are very reliable people. They are loyal and dedicated to a task and a person. They are great people to ask for help with any task happening. However, Taureans can focus too much on material things and need constant stability. They look for results in the task and relationships they take on and are irritable when they don’t receive them. Letting their symbol of the bull take control, they let their stubbornness dictate their thoughts. Despite this, a Taurus is more emotional then the other two earth signs, so they will be able to move on from any frustrations that come their way.


Virgos are all about practicality and routine. They usually have things in order and do things with a purpose. Their flaw with that, however, is if other people don’t understand their reasoning and lifestyle they combat it in a critical way. You can always expect a Virgo to have their facts in order and they will tell you if they don’t believe in what you’re saying. However don’t let that scare you away from a Virgo. What they need the most is a stable relationship with people who pushes them to try new things. A Virgo may seem uncaring but if they are critiquing you it means they care the most about you.

Despite an earth’s sign stubbornness, they are important to the other signs by providing a realistic view on the world. Earth signs provide stability in their relationships. That’s why people (whether they admit it or not) enjoy the company of an earth sign. For more information, click here.

How’d you like that for tea?